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Fantasy is no less real
than reality.

Kakor spodaj, tako zgoraj

“Pod površjem nekaj tli, pod površjem nekaj živi!”

Umetniški kolektiv Hupa Brajdič se pogreza v podzemlje podhoda Ajdovščina, ter s skupinskim umikom ustvarja prostor, kjer biva upanje. Trinajst performerk in performerjev trmasto vztraja in z glavo rine skozi zid. Ve se, da zgoraj brez spodaj ne obstaja, in če lahko izbiramo, smo mi raje tisti spodaj.

V eni od zapuščenih izložb nekdaj živahnega podhoda, se zdi, da je vsak up zaman. A upanja se ne da tako zlahka pokopati, četudi biva nekaj metrov pod zemljo. Med tistimi pozabljenimi, brezdomnimi in marginalnimi se Hupa Brajdič odene v kartonaste škatle in v pol ure trajajočem performansu odkriva kje, zakaj in kako obstaja upanje.

Ustvarjalci in izvajalci: Ana Škreblin Pirjevec, Alja Bulič, Didi Delajda Solin, Inti Šraj, Iva Tratnik, Katarina Jenšterle, Kristina Aleksova, Matej Lazar, Olja Grubić, Rok Kravanja, Tea Grahek Lebar, Tina Glavič Novak, Tini Rozman

Zvočna podoba: Srečna Mladina, oblikovanja luči: Gregor Kuhar, scenografija in kostumografija: Olja Grubić, promo video: Tea Grahek Lebar, Tina Glavič Novak

Umetniško vodstvo: Kristina Aleksova

MINLJIVKA ” 2017 – today

No stage. Few limitations.

A series of improvised psychedelic performance with a specific topic and no stage. Creative experiment for the artists and the audience, inspired by the theater approaches of Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Conceptual design: Toni Poljanec, Alja Bulič
Performers: Živa Petrič, Tea Grahek, Inti Šraj, Elvis Sedić, Peter Lebar, Toni Poljanec, Devina Flores, Katarina Jenšterle, Alja Bulič, Matej Lazar, Sabell-Christina Fabian, Kristina Aleksova, Tina Glavič Novak, Iva Tratnik, Tjaša Zidarič, Padma, Ana Škreblin Pirjevec, Ines Šimunić, Januš Aleš Luznar, Ali Aljabi, Marko J., Delajda and others.
Key-Visuals / Illustrations: Iva Tratnik
Graphic Design: Sabell-Christina Fabian

Pig Minljivka, June 2019, Modri kot // Minljivka Možživka, May 2019, Žmauc // Anonymous Minljivka, April 2019, Modri kot // Minljivka Čefurka, March 2019, Modri kot // Junaška minljivka , February 2019, Modri kot // Minljivka Smehljivka, January 2019, Modri kot // Minljivka Fatalka, December 2018, Modri kot // inljivka Srhljivka, November 2018, Modri kot // Ladijska minljivka , September 2018, Modri kot // Minljivka Pozabljivka, July 2018 // Minljivka Spogledljivka, June 2018, Modri kot // Minljivka Liar, May 2018, Modri Kot // Dream minljivka, April 2018, Modri kot // Birthday minljivka, March 2018, Modri kot

Modri Kot – Rog, Ljubljana, Žmauc – Ljubljana, Švicarija – Ljubljana

ČAROVNIŠKI BLUES ” 2017 – today

I came here to be a witch, and a witch I have become.

An interactive street music show for children and adults tells the story of a witch’s visit far from the north, from the town of Plamen, from where magic flows from around the world. Vodenka, Ognjenka, Zgodbarka, Zeliščarka, Ukanarka, Spremembnica, Klovnesa and Darovalka came into the modern world for three reasons: to remind children of magic, to invite them to enroll in the Magic School and to cast magic spells. The intertwining of physical and interactive theater, music, singing and magic.

Production: Alja Bulič, Katarina Jenšterle
Screenplay: Alja Bulič
Design: Sabell-Christian Fabian
Performers: Kristina Aleksova, Katarina Jenšterle, Urška Košenina, Ines Šimunić, Alja Bulič, Sabell-Christian Fabian, Živa Petrič, Petra Jeršin

September 2019, 30th Pika Festival, Velenje
August 2019, Valdotra Beach, Anakaran
July 2019, Maribor
October 2018, 7th Magic Congress, Koča pri čarovnici, Olimje
October 2017, 6th Magic Congress, Koča pri čarovnici, Olimje
September 2017, Ljubljana Street Music Festival

NA PALUBI- ON DECK ” 2017-2018

The voyage of the self.

A multimedia performance, an interactive exhibition, a psychological game, a book in the making and an experimental entertainment. Based on a story of the old cruise ship that voyages in the ocean of timelessness. Individual passengers represent personalized human aspects: Mr. Wrong, diva Sick Mind, Mr. Laughter, Lady Daydreaming, Lady Metamorphosis and others. Hupa invites you to find out which one of them is You. Having doubts, Mr. Question?

Production: Alja Bulič, Tina Glavič Novak
Story: Alja Bulič
Performers: Olja Grubić, Sabell-Christina Fabian, Lea Šuligoj, Ines Šimunić, Katarina Jenšterle, Alja Bulič, Bernarda Kristan, Tina Glavič Novak, Toni Poljanec, Tea Grahek, Petra Jeršin, Živa Petrič, Peter Lebar, Sara Isa Djukanović, Kristina Rozman , Urška Košenina, Padma, Iva Tratnik, Ana Škreblin-Pirjevec, Anže Petrič, Devina Flores
Video: Tina Glavič Novak, Toni Poljanec
Set design: Živa Petrič
Illustrations: Tjaša Zidarič, Iva Tratnik, Katarina Jenšterle, Ines Šimunić, Sabell-Christian Fabian
Sound: Peter Lebar
Music: PIP
Costume design: Sabell-Christina Fabian, Petra Jeršin
Technical support: Elvis Sedić
Design: Sabell-Christina Fabian
Translation: Nina Behek

The voyage was supported by the City of Ljubljana.

oktober 2017 Fundus, Ljubljana // september 2018 DarkCity gallery, Krumpendorf, Austria // september 2018 Račka gallery, Festival Produkcija želje in užitka, Celje

Intervju s producentko Alja Bulič
Radio AGORA 105,5 ( 15. September 2018, Klagenfurt)


“Shout me your love!”

A colorful interpretation of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s Three Sisters performed by 80 artists from Austria, Slovenia and Ukraine.

An art spectacle led by an Austrian artist Gerhard Fresacher in the factory halls of Eurogold Indistries Ltd. in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. Colourful interpretation of Three sisters by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, performed by 80 artists from Austria, Slovenia and Ukraine: Hupa Brajdič performers, Austrian visual collective 7 sons of Dzinkiskan, military orchestra from Zhytomyr, Ukranian rock band Zerno, actors from Zhytomyr national theater etc.


Author: Gerhard Fresacher
Performers: Iva Tratnik, Devina Elena Flores, Ines Šimunić, Alja Bulič, Tina Glavič Novak, Toni Poljanec, Sabell-Christina Fabian, Katarina Jenšterle, Petra Jeršin, Tea Grahek
Video: Živa Petrič
Costume design: Tea Grahek, Sabell-Christina Fabian
Producer: Sabell-Christina Fabian

November 2018, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

In collaboration with Gerhard Fresacher & Nils Grolitsch // Eurogold Industries Ldt.

Radio Študent


One heartbeat in a collective dream.

A 24-hour performance, a mixture of an invasive theater, exhibition of Gerhard Fresacher and visual spectacle that took place in gallery Dark City-Raum 8 in Klagenfurt. 14 Performers of Hupa Brajdič occupied shopping windows and all other places in the gallery and invited the audience to join them for one day of their life. Project was based on memories of “No Disco Behind”, led by Gerhard Fresacher (Zhytomyr/Ukraine 2018).

Production: Gerhard Fresacher, Alja Bulič, Sabell-Christina Fabian
Text: Sabell-Christina Fabian
Head of performance: Alja Bulič
Visual content: Sabell-Christina Fabian
Visual content: Black Frese
Soaking: Kristina Aleksova, Alja Bulič, Sabell-Christina Fabian, Tina Glavič Novak, Katarina Jenšterle, Petra Jeršin, Peter Lebar, Januš Ales Luznar, Žan Perko, Toni Poljanec, Ines Šimunić, Sara Isa Djukanović, Iva Tratnik
Ictus Cordis: Janusz Ales Luznar
Set design by Gerhard Fresacher
Camera: Tea Grahek
Costume design: Tea Grahek
Graphic design: Sabell-Christina Fabian
Light: Gerhard Fresacher
Music: Peter Lebar, Januš Aleš Luznar, Elvis Sedić
Video: Živa Petrič
A Black Frese & Hupa Brajdič Production

April 2019, Darkcity-Raum 8, Klagenfurt, Austria


Inspired by the exhibition Iva Tratnik: Above Kun, below Xun: anatomical transbestiary

Performative intervention at the exhibition IAva Tratnik in the Škuc Gallery. The images from her paintings gained life and stepped into the experience of living out there.

Inspiration and production: Iva Tratnik
Performers: Tatiana Kocmur, Alja Bulič, Peter Lebar, Ines Šimunić, Iva Tratnik, Sabell-Christina Fabian, Katarina Jenšterle

ŠKUC Gallery, May 2019


“Creatures of the night.
They are born to live only one night. Whoever sees them can be considered lucky.”

Artistic tour of Villa for Forest in Klagenfurt, March 2019

Production: Sabell-Christian Fabian
Costume design: Tea Grahek
Performers: Alja Bulič, Tea Grahek, Inti Šraj, Iva Tratnik, Sabell-Christian Fabian
Texts: Alja Bulič
Production: Hupa Brajdič, Fantasy Landscapes, Innenhofkultur, For Forest



I just want to be liked.

Found in translation is a dance project that explores the meanings that are lost, overlooked, found or added in our subjective interpretations of the information we receive in everyday communication. Through a movement method which allows free association of the body Kristina and Ferndando are searching for those elements in our communication that remain hidden. They are trying to create a place where personal and interpersonal finally meet.

Idea and execution: Kristina Aleksova
Co-author and performer: Fernando Troya
Photo, video, design: Živa Petrič
Music: Kleemar
Graphic design: Sabell – Christina Fabian
Web design: Gorazd Guštin
Scenography and lighting: Dejan Filipović
Producer: Nina Smerkol

May 2017, Foundus, Ljubljana


The image claims it’s own emancipation now.

Physical theater performance about the Image. It is a birth, a hyperproduction and an exploitation. The performance talks about the Moon as one of the most used images of all time.

Co-creators and performers: Kristina Aleksova, Alja Bulič, Tanja Cirman
Concept: Toni Poljanec
Music and sound: Januš Aleš Luznar
Video: Jan Perovšek
Visual image: Lea Šuligoj, Vito Jančič
Costume design: Matic Hrovat
Production: Hupa Brajdič, Cultural Society Center 21, Reverse engineering

November 2010, Kud France Prešeren

GERHARD ” 2009

Trapped in a possible premonition.

Theatrical-movement satire about contemporary conflict, about being trapped in a premonition of the possible and the weight of the unspeakable. Gerhard lies between dreams and reality, between stand-up art and writing cheap ads, Gerhard is a troubled extreme, a man with a vivid imagination, a touch of talent and a fear of performing.

Performers: Kristina Aleksova, Alja Bulič, Lea Šuligoj
Screenplay: Alja Bulič
Music: Januš Aleš Luznar
Set design: Nataša Trbanc, Matjaž Stražar
Narrator: Rok Kushlan
Gerhard’s voice: Toni Poljanec
Lighting design: Janko Oven
Design: Lea Šuligoj

The text was inspired by Daniil Harms and his Lynch Law

Production: Kulturno društvo center 21, Klub Gromka

December 2009, Gromka Club


The path of creative thought.

The theatrical-movement performance provides an answer to the eternal human question of the meaning and origin of his existence; two cosmic forces (gods), depicted in human form, create the Earth according to the instructions in the manual “How to create the Earth in five strokes”. They circumvent the rules written in the book and start a web of unpredictable events, in which they themselves become entangled.

Režija: Toni Poljanec
Scenarij:Alja Bulič, Lea Šuligoj
Koreografija: Kristina Aleksova
Performerji: Alja Bulič, Tone Poljanec, Franci Kokalj, Lea Šuligoj, Kristina Aleksova, Luka Žibret, Matevž Čas, Urša Kanjir, Sonja Kerin
Glasba: RADIOYO, Peter Dekleva
Kostumografija: Andreja Kovač
Video: Toni Poljanec, Lea Šuligoj, Maja Šest, Vito Jančič
Produkcija: Kulturno društvo Center 21 v sodelovanju z Gledališčem Glej

Uprizoritve: Junij 2006, Gledališče Glej // November 2006, Kulturni dom Kamnik

Be Hupa