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The most beautiful darkness
it’s the one in the cinema.


V produkciji

Kratki dokumentarno eksperimentalni film

Režija in scenarij: Miroslav Mandić
Producentka: Tina Glavič Novak



Kratki igrani glasbeni film, 13′, 2021

Tri čarovnice, Zgodbarka, Piratka in Rimarka se srečajo v hiši na obrobju gozda in pijejo magične napoje. Ko zagrmi, se Zgodbarka in Piratka spomnita na botra Mračnjaka, mračnjaka Divjaka in Malega mračnjaka, ki se nekoč prišli v njun kraj in iskali uteho. Našli so jo v vinu, o čemer sta čarovnici spesnili porogljivo pesem. Medtem, ko jo prepevajo, se tudi same vse bolj omamljajo z napoji.

Režija: Sara Isa Djukanović, Alja Bulič
Scenarij: Alja Bulič
DOP: Sara Isa Djukanović
Igrajo: Ana Škreblin Pirjevec, Padma, Alja Bulič
Scenografija: Inti Šraj
Maska: Tina Prpar
Montaža: Luka Miklošič
Tonski tehnik: Luka Bernetič
Oblikovanje zvoka: Martin Jelovšek
Besedilo, glasba: Alja Bulič, Ana Škreblin Pirjevec
Tonski studio: Miha Peskar
Produkcija: Vihra produkcija
Koprodukcija: Hupa Brajdič Produkcija, Zavod Gamajuna, Športno društvo Tabor, Studio Arkadena, Nikon Slovenija
Film je podprl Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti


Documentary film, 50′, 2020

“When do you explain to your child s.he is a refugee?”

Seeing El Aaiun is a documentary film that takes us to the far West Algerian desert, into the place where over 180.000 Sahrawi people were given refuge, after most of their territory in Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco. While the older generation of Sahrawi still remembers the year 1975 when they came into this land, the younger generation looks into the future that is impossible to foreseen. The documentary film was made in cooperation with two recognised Slovenian photographers Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec, and directed by Erik Valenčič, a long time Slovenian journalist and filmmaker.

Directed and written by: Erik Valenčič
Assistant director: Luka Miklošič
Directors of photography: Miha Mohorič, Tina Glavič Novak
In collaboration with Arnej Hodalič and Katja Bidovec
Producers: Tina Glavič Novak, Franci Kokalj, Erik Valenčič,
Co-production: RTV Slovenia, Zavod Reflektum

The film was supported by the Slovenian Film Center

This film is dedicated to our friends from Western Sahara.


30′, 2019

Domine is a fiction short, made within the Hupa film workshop. The group of young participant decided to bring out the topic of peer violence. The film will be distributed to schools and other educational institutions with the aim to detabooise the hidden dynamic of behaviour that might seem innocent, but is in fact damaging.

Directed by Ludvik Rodič
Screenplay: Jan Medved
Director of Photography: Amadeus Tauses
Cast: Žaklina Kreič, Anita Bašanović, Klemen Kopina, Jan Medved, Gaja Višnar, Jure Pečovnik, Ajda Samec, Boris Lieber, Gaja Prestor, Sara Narobe, Anže Hosta, Tone Poljanec
Mentors: Toni Poljanec, Tina Glavič Novak
Editing: Matej Svoljšak, Sara Sedevčič
Co-producers and main partners: Young Dragons Public Institution, Nikon Slovenia, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Digital Media, Golden Rose



12′, 2018

»V tišini noči in ritmu narave, odhaja eno življenje, da bi se rešila druga.« Oliver Sertić

Dokumentarna miniaturka o empatiji in minevanju.

Režija Miha Mohorič
Scenarij: Tina Glavič Novak, Toni Poljanec, Miha Mohorič
Produkcija: Sagar kolektiv


1′, 2018

“While the anthem plays, the razor wires are bleeding.”

Disharmony is a series of one-minute films in which the author presents his critical views on the negative consequences of European xenophobia.

Directed by: Peter Lebar
Camera, editing: Živa Petrič



12′, 2017

A short experimental film lingers on a thin border between the real and the imaginary. Through the observation of the inner monologue, it explores the sense of loneliness and reflects the symptoms of social anxiety. The film methodically interferes with the means of psycho-drama, which helps it to discover paradoxical acts that shake everyday life and manifest as surreal poetic dreams.

Authors: Toni Poljanec, Maja Nemec
Production: Cultural Art Society Confinity Theater


23’55”, 2016

“A lonely oak grew on the hill, and they cut it down (Fuck them).”

The short musical documentary about Ivan Volarič – Feo is the artist’s memorial. It is based on a collage of film scenes, performances, works of art, and the testimonies of people who shared their artistic path with Feo.

Directed by: Toni Poljanec
Screenplay: Dušan Mijanović
Camera: Toni Poljanec, Neven Korda Andrić


29’05”, 2016

When the refugees reach the shores of European Union the prospect of hope soon turns into despair.

In August 2015 Toni Poljanec and Tina Glavič Novak headed to Lesbos where they collected interviews with refugees who have endured the traumatic ordeal of travelling from Turkey on overcrowded inflatable boats. Their new reality becomes overcrowded and poorly maintained refugee camp. The dreams of a promised land have never seemed to be further away.

Film by: Toni Poljanec, Tina Glavič Novak
Credits to: people who shared their stories

Dedicated to: humanity


5’34”, 2010

“Got your face booked?.”

While the society became interconnected and exposed, the individual remained alone, anonymous and…addicted.

Authors: Maja Isakovič, Tina Glavič Novak, Toni Poljanec, Maruša Vukelić, Tanja Skale, Jaka Špiler
Addict: Elu Nelit
Music: Nebulatovich

The film was supported by the Voluntariat Institute


Films workshop

34’10”, 2010

“The reality is a creation of your mind.”

The bitter smile is a result of a film workshop that took place in the main Slovenian prison Dob. Thirteen prisoners contemplate on the concepts of time, freedom, crime, punishment and reintegration. Together with participants the author recreated their confessions into a parodic docudrama, that drifts from the bright fantasy, to the unpleasant reality.

Authors: Uroš Lebar, Toni Poljanec, Tina Glavič Novak
Thanks: to all participants for sharing the experience with us


53′, 2009

“After I graduate I want to do something culturological.”

From the point of view of hard core natural scientist culturology is simply meaningless. For utilitarians, it is a pile of mumbo jumbo. Even for mainstream social scientists it is neither promising nor fashionable. Students of culturology are wandering how to benefit from their graduate degrees. Well, some of them don’t even wander, they just find themselves waiting in the unemployment office. The documentary film explores the fuzzy identity of culturology, its place in science and employment market and captures the zeitgeist of a certain era of the Faculty of Social Science in Ljubljana.

Film by: Uroš Lebar, Tone Poljanec, Irena Silič, Rok Govednik

In cooperation with: Faculty of Social Science, Ljubljana


90′, 2006

The documentary film conceptualizes immigration and life in Europe through the personal narration of 25 immigrants from all around the world. To those who are destined to Europe, it serves as an emotional guide to situations they will most likely encounter. To those living in Europe it portrays life in Europe from the eyes of immigrants.

Author: Uroš Lebar

Be Hupa